Sunday, December 6, 2009

How do u put a song on myspace?

first on on an artists page,and on the top right hand corner should be a gray box that has some songs lists that are availible so you can add them to your profile...some of them you can't though,but just click 'add' and it will add it to your page

How do u put a song on myspace?

you go to the artists page pick a sing u like add it or go to google search for myspace music codes and get the video.

How do u put a song on myspace?

What icy cold said.

How do u put a song on myspace?

Do you mean how do you upload a song from your computer to your myspace profile? You can't, unless you create a band profile but then that's violating copyright laws. The option I like is creating a playlist in finetune which has pretty much any song you can think of - finetune provides you with a code that you can put on your profile which will allow people to listen to your playlist.

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