Thursday, December 3, 2009

How do you use music codes for myspace?

I'm really computer stupid and i want to put this song on myspace but there are certain codes - i don't wanna use the music player - i just want to put that song i want using a code (and where do i put it?)


How do you use music codes for myspace?

you can put it any where, but most people put it in the "interest, where it say general, music, movies, television, etc" just put it where it say music

How do you use music codes for myspace?

In your MySpace account, click on Account Settings.

Where it says Music Settings click on Change Settings.

Here you can pick out how you want the MySpace Music

Player to act on your page. Next all you need to do is do a

MySpace Search for an artist that you like and click Add next

to the song you would like to have play on your page.

I hope this has been helpful.

How do you use music codes for myspace?

Upload the music you want into your computer and turn it into a mp3 format or download it from limewire.

Then go to this website and start a new account there, upload the music you want and they will give you a code for it.

Then go to this website

and choose the player that you like, put the songs URL where they ask for it and they will give you a large code then just put that were ever you like in your profile and it will work.

How do you use music codes for myspace?

in the about me or who i'd like to meet

How do you use music codes for myspace?

Well first you have to have a place to upload the music file, a webserver from your internet provider or find a free place by using google to search for one. (Beware many free ones have tons of ads or restrictions so its best if you have a pay site).

Next you'll need to use HTML code embed. Rather than trying to explain it here, go to this link and read how. Good luck!

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